Monday, June 18, 2012

Bead your own watch bracelet

I've almost completed this before I decided to make a tutorial. Now I'm out of watch faces so I can't take any pics. Anyway, these are the text instructions first.

1. Get your watch face. I found mine at Beadtlesweet at Plaza Singapura. You can also get these at Chinatown or for a wider range, get them online. Just google 'watch face'. I chose the one that lets me stick a strand of Chinese knotting string through the loop at the top. There are many types of 'connections'. Choose the one that you like.
2. Loop 1 strand of Chinese knotting string through. The length of this would be half round your wrist plus the length of the dangle.
3. Cut another length of string about 40cm long. I don't know the length of this 'cos I estimate all the time. This will be used for the square knots.
4. Tie this with an overhand knot just at the loop where the first strand is then string beads onto 1 side of it. I used Miyuki cube beads here. You only need to string the beads on one side.
5. Tie a square knot. Right over left, left over right.
6. Push 1 bead up and tie half a square knot with the bead on the right side. The string with the beads is now on the left. Tie the other half of the square knot with the bead on the left.
7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 till you're happy with the length.
8. Do the same for the other side, ie. steps 3 to 7.
9. Cut another length of string about 15cm long.
10. Separate the middle strands of the 2 beaded sides and bring these together, one facing each way.
11. Use the new string and tie 3 square knots.
12. Trim the middle strands and put stopper beads.
13. Trim and singe all ends. (This part hasn't been done yet in the pic)

Have a blessed day!

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